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Picture of Hut 64, 14 Flt, 'B' Sqd from Oct to Nov 1956

Thanks to Kevin Kerrigan 4187724, middle row second left, for this photograph of Hut 64, 14 Flt, 'B' Sqd from Oct to Nov 1956.
Kevin says "We bashed the square under the gentle tutillage of Cpl Kimberley. Eight weeks ranging from instant hatred to lasting endearment.
Of course never to be forgotten discipline which still pulls my shoulders back, chest out and stomach in."

Since this photograph was posted, John Williams 5033103 has sent his photograph of Hut 65, being part of the same 14 Flt.
John says "I should like to contribute a small amount of additional information about Hut 64.
Third left, front row. MacLean Harrhy. Mac was simply one of the nicest chaps I have met in my life, but in his service life he did suffer somewhat on account of his name. I am not at all sure if the surname Harrhy (neither am I sure if this is the correct spelling) is popular North of the border, but most people at the time seemed to struggle with it. I well remember it degenerating into Harhee, Hawtree and Hantree, with very few people (mainly NCOs) getting it right first time. Mac always seemed resigned to it all, though. I know that he intended going to university when his service days were over, and I hope that he has had a successful life.
I can't give you any more names, but the chap, back row, extreme left, already had a university degree and was also seriously involved in the boy scout movement. The chap, back row, second right, was the Senior Man of the hut. He always gave me the impression that he was made for military life, and was probably in the RAF, as they say these days, long term.

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